Thursday, October 05, 2006


Do you think that daydreaming is a sign of genius? If it is, I'm the smartest person in the world! I've got so much to do, but focus is lacking. I like being busy, though. I can't believe this little business of mine is growing so much. I'm getting good sized orders and reorders on a regular basis. The Sissy Tags are like crack. I should probably feel bad for getting people hooked on them, but I don't. I do feel bad that my father had to have hand surgery yesterday. He and my mom do have of the production. They told me the surgery wasn't brought on by the tag making, but I have my doubts. Hopefully it will fix him right up and he'll be able to go on and make thousands more tags.

I'm hiring someone to help me and looking into a space outside my home to expand the tag production. It's all so exciting!!

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