Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Conditional Friends

I finally feel like I'm making progress with one friend and then another one goes on the fritz. Clearly, I'm the common denominator, so it stands to reason the issue is with me. I just don't have time for the bullshit. Life is too short to deal with things you don't need to. People's perceptions and perspectives are all so different. We should give everyone the benefit of the doubt and move on. Men do this so well.

I try to ignore all the crap and just go about my own business - easy, since we are busy and I have a million and one things to do (not the least of which is last year's taxes, ugh!). It's just so frustrating because I never know where I stand - is she mad at me? what did I do this time? did I even say that? Guessing games are a waste of time. It upsets me, though. I worry about having hurt feelings or doing something wrong.

So many quirks to try and understand. I wonder if I have quirks that get people talking? Sure would like to know. But it seems I don't have a friend here that would tell me. Hmmmm.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Acquaintances Lost

An acquaintance of mine passed away last night. Only 40 years old, leaving behind and wife and toddler daughter. It's hard to know what to do, what to say when you are on the periphery. It's not a comfortable place to be. If you are new in a small town, knowing your place is important. Death disrupts the balance, especially on the edge of friendship. I'm glad I've been asked to prepare food for a memorial. Life is so precious and fleeting.
