Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Tenth Man (a work in progress)

Nine out of ten people will stand at the locked door on the front of a building. The tenth man will walk around to the back to see if there is another way in. I think my life is about being the tenth man. Today, it's almost a necessity to go against the grain, take the risks that others won't and do what they say can't be done. It's definitely more fun. Or, should I say, more adventurous. The stress levels are higher, in a good way. Since we started this "let's move across the country to buy a wine shop" project, my husband and I are moving along the same path for the first time and it feels really good. We are able to have conversations and discussions without arguing, our sex life is much better. It must have something to do with following a dream. Being happy just in the pursuit of happiness - is that the key? I don't know if the negotiations will result in an actual move, but we are on to something. I like being the tenth man. I find myself looking for ways to be different, or differentiate myself and my husband from the rest of the pack. Looking at our life and liking it - not wanting more...but wanting less and getting more. To move across the country, literally from the Atlantic to the Pacific, must take some certain kind of moxy. We will have to sell most of what we own, just to be able to afford the trip out. Maybe we can convince my parents to pull a second trailer behind their car with the other half of what we need! I've always thought myself an entreprenuer and I wonder if I fit the behavioral tendencies of the great entreprenuers of our time? I do have a hard time trying to figure out how to handle hiring and firing. I tend to latch on to whoever says they are available to do stuff. Then those that need to move on have to figure that out for themselves - I don't want to be mean. I'm learning that business is just business and it's not personal. Hard lesson when it really is personal to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.