Thursday, February 07, 2008

To Dream or Not To Dream

Maybe, it's better to have dreamed and not realized the dream, than to have never had the dream in the first place. I asked Bob what he thought about this - is just having the dream enough? He said NO - emphatically. I was happy about that answer. I don't want the dream to be in and of itself all we have. But still the question remains. What if the dream doesn't come to pass. Or, maybe we should really disect the dream and understand what the core fundemental element is of the dream that keeps us wanting it to happen. Is owning a wine shop in California what we really want? Or is it living on the ocean in the building where you work what we really want. Or, is it something even more fundemental - creating something together. In that case, couldn't we do that anywhere? And do we have to spend so much money to do it? And how do I get Bob to that understanding - that creating something together can start now. We don't have to just come home from work at night and think about what we want. We can work on it together starting now. Here in scratch that, we definitely want to leave Orlando. No offense to Orlando, it's just not where we want to be physically.

So last night, we took an introductory wine class at a local wine shop. Which, incidentally is starting to franchise ;-) Anyway, it was very interesting and I think we both really enjoyed it. Now when someone asks us what we know about wine, we can toss out some ridiculous words and phrases to shut them up!!

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