...is so hard when you are being pulled in a load of directions. Especially if it's your on self that is doing the pulling! We create these worlds in which everything might come crumbling down if we don't show up for even a minute. And then we wonder why the stress is taking such a toll. Isn't this what I wanted, we ask ourselves. Isn't this what I created. Yes and yes. I created this and I control how I react to it. It's really not that hard once we train ourselves to be aware. So I'm becoming aware. Aware of how I respond, how I show up and why.
Currently, I'm 'training' for a 39 mile walk over two days in New York City for breast cancer awareness. I'm looking forward to the event in October. And I'm trying to raise $1800 for the event. So far I'm at $425. I know I'll hit the mark with a little more organization and prodding. My goal was to do the fundraising without hitting up individuals. The majority of the funds raised will be from events and businesses. I think people are just tired of being hit up for $10 here and $15 there. More creative ways to raise funds for causes are needed. If you know of any - please let me know!
My husband and I are hosting a "Brews for Boobs" party this friday. Out of the more than 100 people invited, only 36 have rsvp'd. Disappointing, but we are sure that more people will show up. I'm going to round up all the neighbors and still have some people to add to the list. At $15 a person, we will raise around $1000 or more after it's all over.